Re-coding the urban landscape.

City Lab Biobío is a space for creative study and research that uses science and technology to guide the decision-making process associated with the growth and development of our cities. The experience and perception of communities are central axes that drive our city science, actively participating in the different stages of analysis.


The analysis and prediction of urban scenarios is part of a strategy that seeks to transform the way we plan our cities. Generating knowledge through data collection allows us to present a general and integrated vision of the different initiatives planned for a study area. With this information, we bring together the relevant actors for the city to interact with technology and visualize the impacts of urban projects on the city. Finally, we hope that decision-making for the city will be based on data and impact predictions, developed with city science in cooperation with the MIT Media Lab.

The first laboratory in the
MIT City Science network in South America


Located in the Biobío region, we want to be a connecting node for cities in the southern part of the world with the technology, science, and global experiences of the MIT research network. This unique connection is thanks to the work and alliances between the public sector, guilds, universities, corporations, and consultancies, both in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and in Concepción, Chile.

Junto a nuestros aliados, transformando la planificación urbana

Having allies in the MIT City Science Lab @ Biobío is key to driving a transformative vision of urban planning. This space is not only positioned as an epicenter of technological innovation and urban design, but also as a connecting node with unlikely partners who bring fresh and challenging perspectives.

Collaboration with diverse disciplines, local communities, public and private institutions allows for the generation of comprehensive solutions for the cities of the future, addressing challenges such as climate change, urban equity, and sustainability. Together, we redefine the concept of the city as an inclusive, resilient, and interconnected space.

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