We are a publicly funded project, by the Gobierno Regional del Biobío
The documents related to the City Science Lab Biobío Project (City Science Lab Biobío Enabling, BIP Code: 40039758-0), along with details regarding its contracting and work arrangements, are described and made available below.

The City Lab Biobío exists thanks to an agreement with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT.
MIT is a global leader in urban innovation, replicating succesful work models in cities across different continents.

This is a Public-Private Partnership initiative: 58% (M$2,454,476) is sponsored by the Gobierno Regional del Biobío, and the remaining 42% (M$1,756,371) is contributed by the Cámara Chilena de la Construcción. These amounts are provided for a period of 4 years for the duration of the initiative.

It has the approval of the Consejo Regional del Biobíol: the resources delivered by the Gobierno Regional del Biobío were approved in an ordinary session by the Consejo Regional del Biobío on May 4, 2022.

It was approved by the Comptroller: The Transfer Agreement was formalized by the Contraloría General de la República (Accountability Office) on June 15, 2022.

The Program does not fund the fees or overhead costs of Corporación Ciudades.That entity makes the working hours of its professionals available to the program as a non-monetary contribution to this initiative.

Funds are managed in a completely separate account: Among the program requirements was the creation of a bank account exclusively for managing project funds, which provides a monthly report of expenses and activities.

Ir operates with an internal governance structure for both decision-making and operations: : To ensure the operability and proper development of the program, a Board of Directors and a Technical Counterpart were established by mutual agreement between the sponsoring parties. The Board of Directors is made up of representatives from the Biobío Regional Government, the Chilean Chamber of Construction (Concepción), the Biobío Regional Council, and Corporación Ciudades.