A multidisciplinary team for multidimensional challenges.

Fernando Pérez
Principal Director
Architect from the Universidad Diego Portales and Master in Urban Design and City Planning from the University of London. With experience in the development of projects associated with the MINVU Public Spaces Program, in the regions of Arica, Araucanía, and Magallanes. He advised municipalities and institutions on issues associated with territorial planning instruments. His areas of interest are innovation in the processes of management, planning and urban design, and the implementation of new technologies in citizen participation processes.

Juan Eduardo García-Huidobro
Communications Director
Graphic Designer, specialist in Design Project Management from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Diploma in Communication and Cultural Management from the Universidad de Chile. With experience in the development, planning, and direction of communication strategies for the promotion of plans and programs in the areas of infrastructure, climate change, and heritage. He was Head of Communications for the General Directorate of Public Works and director of tourism infrastructure design projects at GEQ and EY.

Marcela Martínez
Research Director
Geographer from the Universidad de Concepción with a Master’s in Territorial Studies and Planning from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. She has extensive experience in the public sector, as an analyst of plans and programs for the SEREMI of Housing and Urbanism in Biobío, and in the Planning Secretariat of the Ministry of Transportation. She has also participated in research projects on inequalities in accessibility and urban mobility.

Miguel Ángel Marzolo
Development Director
Commercial Engineer, Diploma in Management in Health Institutions, application of Balanced Scorecard in Public Health, from the Universidad San Sebastián and MBA from the Universidad del Desarrollo. With experience in the implementation of innovative strategies and the adoption of effective tools for continuous improvement, in both public and private institutions. He served as Commercial Manager in companies in the IT industry, closely linked to the innovation and technology environment. He has also participated as Director and Advisor in the development of business models.

Helen de la Fuente
Head of GIS and Data Management
Geographer with a Master’s in Geomatics from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Throughout her professional career, she has worked processing and analyzing data for the development of indicators and diagnoses. With more than 10 years at the Center for Sustainable Urban Development, she has also been part of various scientific-technological research projects and non-profit organizations.

Diego Ramírez
Head of Data Science
Telecommunications Engineer and Master of Electrical Engineering from the Universidad de Concepción. He has worked in data analysis roles for decision-making in the telecommunications and mining industries. He has also taught classes as a professor at the Universidad de Concepción and the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, in the area of analysis and statistical data processing.

Germán Fuentes
Head of Communications and Digital Media
Journalist from the Universidad de Concepción, with a Minor in Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency. In his professional career through foundations, large industrial companies, and technological innovation projects, he has gained experience in strategic communications, internal communications, graphic design, photography, and documentary video. He also has a background in research in the field of communication and linguistics, presenting results at national and international conferences.

Dhayana Albornoz
Head of Engagement
Bachelor’s degree in International Studies from the Universidad Central de Venezuela, with a diploma in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems granted by the Universidad de Concepción, the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, and the national public venture capital office, Corfo. Specialist in the design of experiences and services, creation and management of networks and alliances within innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems in Venezuela and Chile. Has experience in sales for B2C, B2B, and B2G clients, in addition to two certifications in facilitating play-based methodologies and transpersonal coaching, focused on leadership, trust in high-performance teams, and community strengthening.

Paula Méndez
Graphic Designer
Graphic Designer and Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Communication from the Universidad del Bío Bío, Chillán. With experience in creating graphic pieces for various projects and generating visual identity for initiatives and activities.

Javiera Hernández
Finances and operations
Public Administrator from the Universidad de Concepción, with a degree in Political Science. Experienced in budget management, accounting, and accountability.

Yojans Cid
Data Scientist
Computer Engineer and Master’s (c) in Information Technologies from the Universidad de Chile. He has an extensive academic background in Computer Science, such as Software Engineering, QA, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence. His experience allows him to have a critical perspective in the planning, evaluation, and exploitation of IT projects, in both the public and private sectors. His professional orientation is dedicated to technological innovation, highlighting the value and potential of data processing.

Jordy Cárcamo
GIS Expert
Geographer from the Universidad de Concepción. With experience in research areas dedicated to describing residential transformations with a focus on the subsidiary granting of property. He has investigated the spatio-temporal evolution of irregular settlements through territorial linkage. His experience has allowed him to coordinate multidisciplinary teams at the National Institute of Statistics applied to a local scope.

Valeria Araya
Territorial Analyst
Geographer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. With experience in research areas with a perspective of disaster risk analysis, older adults, and population aging. Valeria has extensive experience in the development of thematic cartography.
The Board of Directors
Bernardo Suazo, Representative of the Cámara Chilena de la Construcción.
Raimundo Cruzat, Representative of the Cámara Chilena de la Construcción
Martín Andrade, Representative of Corporación Ciudades.
Sergio Jara, Representative of the Gobierno Regional del Biobío.
Julián Corbett, Representative of the Gobierno Regional del Biobío.
Claudia Toledo Alarcón, , Representative of the Ministry of Vivienda y Urbanismo Biobío.