Documents and studies

Santa Catalina de Siena School

Climate change’s impact on the coast.

We determine the impacts of climate change on the coastal edge of Greater Concepción.

Santa Catalina de Siena School

Elderly residents of Greater Concepción

We study the access to services in Greater Concepción for the elderly.

Traffic accidents in Greater Concepción

Traffic accidents in Greater Concepción

Analyzing Waze data, we determine the areas with the highest number of accidents in the city.

Participatory workshop report

Participatory workshop report: Talcahuano

Organized with Puertos de Talcahuano, we identified the challenges for the city.

Santa Catalina de Siena School

Santa Catalina de Siena School

What is the impact of its closure?

Talcahuano polling: results

Talcahuano poll: results

Ports and quality of life

CityScope Costanera: report

CityScope Costanera: report

Data-driven interactive platform for modeling the impacts of urban projects.

Parking in Concepción

Parking in Concepción

Is the center of Concepción oriented towards pedestrians, cyclists, or motorized vehicles?

Report results of the social networks consultation: city and quality of life

Social media query results report:

City and quality of life

Concepción, a 15 minutes city

Concepción, a 15 minutes city

City Lab Biobío analyzed the accessibility on foot to different activities and services.

Report on the First City Lab Biobío Workshop.

Challenges and opportunities for Concepción’s neighborhoods

Second City Lab Biobío’s workshop: report

Exploring local solutions to global challenges
Re-imagining the Costanera of Concepción