From the Biobío region to Neuquén, the city science driven by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and its first city science lab in the global south was present at Expo Edifica Neuquén 2024. The City Lab Biobío team participated in this first provincial fair, focused on new urban technologies, standing out as an applied research center that seeks to transform the way we plan Latin American cities.

Neuquén, recognized as the fastest-growing city in Argentina, faces urban expansion that, according to its governor and authorities, urgently demands a new planning vision. During a previous visit to the Biobío region, a connection was established with the team and the technologies in development, which have already projected significant changes in the Costanera neighborhood of Concepción. These experiences and knowledge have now been transferred to the capital of the Argentine province, positioning City Lab Biobío as the only urban science center in the southern hemisphere.

Neuquén has witnessed an explosive growth in its urban area, primarily due to the exploitation of hydrocarbons in the Vaca Muerta area.

During the Expo, City Lab Biobío presented its work at an interactive stand, where attendees could talk with the lab professionals about the city science methodology and the progress made in the study of the Costanera de Concepción through the implementation of CityScope.

Helen de la Fuente, Head of GIS and Data Management, City Lab Biobío.

“City Lab Biobío has the capability to contribute both in Biobío and in other cities facing rapid growth. To evolve urban planning, high-quality data, analysis, and visualization of urban indicators based on science, technology, citizen participation, and strategic alliances are needed. This approach can be applied in any city that is willing to reimagine its urban life.”

Miguel Ángel Marzolo, Development Director City Lab Biobío

“Neuquén and Concepción share many things. Both are industrial cities, with dense urban centers built vertically and with urban expansion towards the peripheries. All these are characteristics of Latin American cities where the lab can land, contributing experience, knowledge, technology, and science to strengthen decision-making for the city.”

Rodrigo Díaz Wörner, Biobío Governor.

“We can share practices to improve. At City Lab Biobío, we have developed a methodology that teaches us to reflect, resolve differences in urban matters, and make decisions for the common good, based on science and technology. It is a privilege to be able to share this with the community of Neuquén.”

During the Expo, City Lab Biobío presented its work at an interactive stand, where attendees could talk with the lab professionals about the city science methodology and the progress made in the study of the Costanera de Concepción through the implementation of CityScope.

City Lab Biobío not only positions itself as an innovative applied research center in the Biobío region but also aspires to become a benchmark for all of Latin America. Through its scientific and technological approach, it aims to help the continent’s cities face the challenges of urban growth, promoting more efficient and sustainable planning.