Different color intensities on the map of San Pedro de la Paz will give an almost instantaneous account of the road situation on the streets of that commune. This is what the San Pedro de la Paz Traffic and Accident Viewer allows, a dynamic consultation tool that will allow users to monitor and analyze traffic behavior and vehicular accidents in key urban areas of San Pedro de la Paz, using historical and real-time data obtained from Waze.

The idea behind this viewer, presented to the community during the discussion “Mobility Challenges in San Pedro and the Region,” and in an activity held at the City Lab Biobío facilities led by regional governor Rodrigo Díaz along with the current mayor and the elected mayor of that commune, is to provide anyone who requests it with a comprehensive visualization of various road indicators, identifying critical points according to temporality, and offering it as an input for better decision-making by municipal managers, entities in charge of urban planning, or individuals interested in these matters.

Rodrigo Díaz Wörner, Biobío Governor

By connecting with Waze and accessing the accumulated information online every day, it will allow the communal authority to make decisions, as well as interact with other neighboring communes to plan the use of roads, or investment requests to the authorities that provide resources such as the Regional Government or ministries.

Marcela Martínez, Research Director CLBB

“The alliances with world-renowned companies like Waze, the technological design of a platform, and above all, the ability to follow the complex dynamism of traffic online, but at the same time understanding its historical behavior, is what can allow us to better manage one of the most profound challenges for the city, such as mobility.”

The traffic viewer allows:

  • Centralize and organize traffic and accident data in an attractive and accessible visual environment for everyone.
  • Provide key indicators that measure the frequency and duration of congestion, and the severity of accidents at critical points.
  • Monitor the evolution of traffic on specific days and analyze the behavior of congested routes.
  • Provide and make this information available in order to optimize the decision-making process related to the mobility of the commune.

Traffic congestion is one of the main urban challenges for the commune of San Pedro de la Paz, especially on Route 160 that connects Concepción and Talcahuano with the localities located south of the Biobío River. For this reason, the first traffic viewer developed by City Lab Biobío arises in this territory.

In short, the San Pedro de la Paz Traffic and Accident Viewer will centralize and organize traffic and accident data in an accessible visual environment. It will provide key indicators measuring congestion frequency and duration, accident severity at critical points, and monitor traffic evolution on specific days. It will also allow for the analysis of congested route behavior, so that this information contributes to optimizing the decision-making process related to the commune’s mobility.

Beyond the implementation of this viewer, the mayor of San Pedro de la Paz, Javier Guíñez, highlighted the alliance with City Lab Biobío. This partnership will allow them to anticipate the effects of various projects related to the commune’s mobility, thanks to the technology and knowledge transfer provided by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

The elected mayor, Juan Pablo Spoerer, also participated in the launch of the San Pedro de la Paz Traffic and Accident Viewer, highlighting the valuable contribution that this type of tool will provide to the new administration.

Javier Guiñez, San Pedro de la Paz mayor

“We are a commune that serves as an entry and exit point for the regional capital, and we have serious problems that have been worsening, so this is an important tool to measure the infrastructure that will be built there. As progress is made with concrete projects, measuring the impact will eventually allow us to make corrections with other minor investments.”

Juan Pablo Spoerer, elected mayor for San Pedro de la Paz

“For the future administration this means having relevant inputs from the start that will detail some situations that we must consider when proposing public policies, developing road solutions, and generating intersectoral work. If we know where the most accidents occur, at what times, on what days, we can propose much more effective solutions than what our gut feeling might tell us. It is very valuable to us.”

The City Lab Biobío is a program in cooperation with the MIT Media Lab, the Regional Government of Biobío, the CChC of Concepción, and Corporación Ciudades, with the participation of businesses, universities, and civil society. This first traffic viewer is part of the collaboration agreement signed with the Municipality of San Pedro de la Paz.