Neighborhood leaders, municipal and regional authorities, along with representatives from the private sector, met to build a more sustainable Talcahuano. This meeting, under the motto “Let’s reflect together on the Talcahuano we dream of,” was the first “Participatory Workshop for Building Sustainable Cities,” organized by Talcahuano Ports and Citylab Biobío.

The activity began with the presentation of an exploratory survey on “Ports and Quality of Life,” conducted on social media. Then, participants discussed key topics such as “Urban Mobility,” “Public Space,” “Environment,” “Traffic Safety,” and “Local Economy.”

Cristian Wulf, CEO of Puertos de Talcahuano, highlighted the importance of the workshop:

“We are very pleased with the great turnout and the constructive dialogue. This workshop helps us identify the challenges to become a port city where the community interacts closely with the logistics system.”

Marcela Martínez, Research Director at City Lab Biobío, pointed out:

“It was a super positive workshop. The high participation and collaborative mapping identified challenges and opportunities in the interport, central, and hillside sectors. We are motivated to continue working and raising initiatives together with the community.”

Manuel Coloma, President of the Union of Neighborhood Associations of Talcahuano, added:

“The activity allowed us to work with neighbors and leaders to improve connectivity, safety, green areas, and wetlands in our community. It is a shared effort where everyone can express their ideas.”

“The collaboration between our laboratory and the port company arises from the Ciudad Puerto Talcahuano Coordination Council, where we are working to ensure that the growth in cargo is done in harmony with the community,” said Cristian Wulf.